
Sacred Touch provides a safe, nurturing, environment for individuals to feel connected and supported as they go deeper into the love they are. Yaffa’s precious gift of healing music creates a state of grace where natural heart opening occurs producing an over-all feeling of oneness with all and stillness within. This letting go, lotus flower unfolding exposes and reveals your pure radiant essence.

Yaffa’s skilled awareness guides her in encouraging and relaxing each participant. She ensures that everyone benefits from taking part. The group dynamic builds a trusting network where individuals are unified together recognizing and reflecting the peace and oneness that is their inherent divine nature.

Transform thoughts and illusions of separateness from self, others and Source. Drink the divine nectar of one love, one family, one community, one humanity.

Present moment awareness is one of the many practices Yaffa incorporates to help you cultivate your true essence. Awaken to the unlimited possibilities of NOW accessing joy and gratitude with ease. Taking home these transformational tools and spiritual disciplines allows for deeper, more meaningful relationships in your lives.

Workshops include gentle yoga, group practices, interpersonal processes, devotional music, movement, meditation and  more.

Sacred Touch takes pride in awakening mindfulness, opening hearts, and creating happier, healthier, more empowered lives for all beings…